Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lunch at the Beach

What says summer better than a long day at the beach? My kids love it when our usual mornings at the beach extend through and beyond lunchtime.

Even better if Papà and your best friend are there.

Nothing fancy, just a bit of focaccia.

Some salami, tomatoes from the backyard garden.

Some cozze (raw mussels) on ice with lemon.

Good food, good company.

Life's simple pleasures...


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Certainly a wonderful way to spend your morning and lunch time... ! :-)

It is 14.00 hours here in the UK, and I have not been out yet... cold, wet and very depressing!

Saretta said...

Anne, sounds like you need a vacation in sunny southern Italy! :-)

Melissa B. said...

Yummy! Which beach? Can I come next time? SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...

Which of These Things is Not Like the Other...

This Mama Knows said...

Looks devine! Its funny how beach lunches in New England you are more likely to bring a peanut butter and fluff sandwich! lol

Karen said...

I hope you all waited a few hours before taking a swim, you know how dangerous that can be! ;)

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you could actually eat a lunch on the beach. I thought they were always patrolled? Shows I've never been to a beach before, doesn't it?^^'.

Francesca said...

I wish I knew a good fishmonger where to buy cozze to eat raw! Somehow, I don't trust Coop that much.

The Blonde Duck said...

I grew up going to the lake, and I loved picnics there.

Saretta said...

Melissa, I live on the coast in southern Italy, so this is my local beach. You're welcome to join us anytime!

Mrs. A - this lunch was pretty improvised for Italy, usually a beach lunch is much MORE elaborate! Btw, what's fluff?

KC - yeah, 3 hours or guaranteed death by "congestione" (I don't believe it for a minute!)

Melanie - this is southern Italy. Really nothing is ever patrolled! LOL!

Francesca - I understand, frutti di mare are always best when bought fresh on the coast.

Blond Duck - picnics are always fun wherever you have them!