Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011

I spent New Year's eve at home with family and friends...a lovely evening that almost didn't happen!

We have all been sick for more or less for the past week with a nasty intestinal flu that left most of us with little or no desire to eat or drink...and what is an Italian celebration if not a celebration of food and drink? My husband and I dragged ourselves out and about to do the shopping, moaning and groaning all the while about how we felt and about what a pity it was that we were not going to enjoy the evening's feast.

Call it off you suggest? No way, that would be a solution for lesser mortals. And besides, we had invited a whole bunch of people wouldn't have been right to leave them in the lurch on New Year's Eve.

Here I am with about 3 inches of makeup shoveled on to make myself presentable. One "good" thing...I lost three kilos in 3 days of stomach flu! Hee hee, but really, that's no way to lose weight!
in order of height...

Our meal was fish-based, but we combined the traditions of the Italians, Americans and Russians present.

An array of international appetizers
Broiled bass on a bed of creamed peas

I survived the evening and even managed to eat a few bites of this and that and toasted the new year with half a sip of Prosecco! I'm planning to leave all traces of that flu way back in 2010.

Let's hope 2011 is a good year for you, me and everyone! Happy New Year!


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

You look lovely and so does the table. Happy New Year to you and yours.

Anonymous said...

happy 2011! your meal looked really yummy

Hello Again Vintage said...

Thanks so much for entering my giveaway. Please visit my blog to find out if you're the Winner:

Good Luck!!


Hello Again Vintage said...

Thanks so much for entering my giveaway. Please visit my blog to find out if you're the Winner:

Good Luck!!


Couture Carrie said...

Gorgeous photos!
Happy 2011!


LindyLouMac said...

Happy New Year Saretta, all the best for 2011.
I am catching up on all the posts I missed while I was away from computing while on an extended trip to the UK.

Bethany Cousins said...

Wow! That food spread looks fabulous! Could you ship some to New York? LOL And, as far being sick...I've been sick ALL WINTER! Can't wait til summer!

Thanks for following Mommy Rantings! Come back soon!