As with little kids, it's those overly quiet moments that a mother needs to worry about...
Out of sheer boredom, my son decided it would be a good idea to stick his foot down into the little hole we had drilled in the yard to search for drinking water in the underlying ground water. As you can see, it's really a little hole. Compare the size of the kid's shoe with the size of the hole and maybe you know what's coming next in this story...
We spent the next half hour and more trying every possible technique I could think of to get his foot out. We tried to pull him straight up and out, but he said it hurt. I lay face down in the dirt and stuck my whole arm into the hole to try to pull his shoe off, but it was on too tight. I tried to untie his shoe so he could slip his foot out, but, besides the fact that he had made double knots in his laces, there was just not enough room for me to move my hand around.
The next stage involved tools...
In the end, the combination of my digging and the help of Danny's friend, F., who is a very big and strong 12-year-old, did the trick. We tried our original "pulling him straight up and out while he pushed with his other leg" technique....and succeeded!
Never a dull moment around here, I'm telling you...
relieved to hear all ended well.
Kids! At least they're aren't in front of video games.
Dana, me too! It was rather a tricky situation for a while there!
Scintilla, I agree! Those video games can become an obsession!
Never a dull moment for sure! My mother had two boys - and she could fill a book with stories like this. That's what us boys are for! :-D
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